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Make Your Own Recipe for Your Own Life

Make Your Own Recipe for Your Own Life

Senior reporter Lee Sang-chul


There are thousands of articles online that can make you feel envious. For example, successful stories of start-ups that made millions, people who gained massive profits due to the outrageous value rise of real-estate, or even hitting the jackpot on the stock market and becoming millionaires. Making lots of money does not equal success. However, in the society that we live in, economic success surely plays an important part of success. In addition, these days people tend to set a higher value on wealth, rather than reputation.

Many people feel jealous when they read articles and they want to be like those people with financial success. Often, they regret having let past opportunities to earn money go by, saying things like, “I should have bought that apartment two years ago”. They watch interviews, read autobiographies, and even watch the YouTube videos of those who have become wealthy, ironically giving them their own money in the process. I am not saying that those are bad, but those are not the best way to live one’s life, either. Let’s be cool-headed. You will more than likely not be able to exceed them when the next opportunity comes even if you read all the books they have published.

That is the point I want to tell. In your life, there is only one recipe you should follow, your own. So, cook for yourself, do things by trial and error, and make your own success in life. After you achieve success in one area, you will be able to make another success, too. I mean, following and studying people who succeed is important. But do not deceive yourself that you can make the same success as they did and will. Do not follow the recipes of other. Find your own, make it and finish your cooking.

While cooking, keep in mind that you are the head chef. You must take all of the responsibility for your choices. Keep studying and develop a recipe that you will not regret in the future. After you finally make your own recipe, no matter what opportunities and critical situations come, success will be wholly yours and you will not regret your choices anymore. Gain your success with your own recipe and live the life you always dreamed of.


BUFS2022. 3. 29조회수220