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[긴급!] 2023학년도 카타르 대학교 해외연수 지원자 모집

2023 학년 카타르 대학교 해외연수 파견학생을 모집합니다.


*학과내 선발기준 및 방법


1. 선발 인원 : 남학생 1 (4년전부터 남학생으로 제한)

2. 지원 기간 : 12월 21일 수요일 낮 12시까지

3. 제출 서류 성적증명서지원동기 및 수강계획서(첨부파일 양식지원자 모두 제출

4. 제출 방법 : 메일(20227011@bufs.ac.kr) 또는 조교 카톡으로 제출


-카타르대학교의 기준 최적합자 우선 선정


*지원자 참고사항은 아래를 참조바랍니다.

For more information about applying to the program and the eligibility conditions, please visit the following website: http://www.qu.edu.qa/students/international-students/arabic-program


 *학과사무실로 별도 연락없이 메일로 서류 제출바랍니다.


You may visit the following webpages for any inquiry about:


1.      Apply to the Arabic Program for Non-Native Speakers.

2.      Applying for student visa from Qatar University

3.      Applying for Residence Permit transfer to QU (For QU enrolled students only)

4.      Important Dates for International Students.


Undergraduate Admission

·       In order to know the undergraduate admission requirements please visit the UG Admission Website

·       If you need specific information about Undergraduate admission, please contact the QU Call Center: adm.inquiry@qu.edu.qa

Graduate Admission (Masters / PhD)

·       In order to know the graduate level (Masters / PhD) admission requirements please visit the Graduate Admission Website

·       If you need specific information about graduate level (Masters / PhD) admission, please contact the Graduate Admission Section: Graduate@qu.edu.qa

Academic Scholarships (Undergraduate Students only)

·       In order to know the information about academic scholarships (Undergraduate only) please visit the Scholarships Website

·       If you need specific information about Academic Scholarships, please contact the Scholarship team: Scholarships@qu.edu.qa

아랍학과관리자2022. 12. 15조회수991

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