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An Educator for The Global Era, Professor Bae Yang-soo

An Educator for The Global Era, Professor Bae Yang-soo


Cub-reporter Jung Hae-mil



At Busan University of Foreign Studies, there are eight departments designated as Critical Foreign Language departments. Under the support of the Critical Foreign Language Center, all relevant departments are striving for the development of language education, and their achievements are recognized in various fields. Professor Bae Yang-soo, the head of the center, oversees all projects related to the critical foreign language department. The Woeseong Times met with him and listened to the story between him and critical foreign languages.



Professor Bae Yang-soo received a Ph.D. in Vietnamese Language and Literature from Hanoi National University of Education. 

Provided by Professor Bae Yang-soo

Q1. Could you please introduce a little about yourself?

A. Hello, my name is Bae Yang-soo. I have been a professor at BUFS since 1995. I majored in Vietnamese and received a Ph.D. in Vietnamese Language and Literature from Hanoi National University of Education. So, I teach Vietnamese literature, local studies, culture and society as a professor. I’m also the head of the Korea Institute for ASEAN Studies at our university and have been the head of the Critical Foreign Language Center since 2018.


Q2. Why did you major in Vietnamese?

A. I originally liked learning new languages, so I entered the Department of Vietnamese at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies at the age of 27, and graduated in February, 1988. After that, I worked for a Vietnamese trading company for two years and four months. While working, I ended up living in Vietnam most of the time and I realized that even though I majored in Vietnamese, I still did not know much about Vietnam. So, I decided to study more about Vietnam. I resigned in 1992 and became the first Korean to study in Vietnam. Initially, I did not think about becoming a professor, but after I came back to Korea with a Master’s degree I applied for a professor’s position and started to work as a professor.



Professor Bae Yang-soo was the first Korean to study abroad in Vietnam. An article about his study abroad was published in the newspaper. 

Provided by Bae Professor Yang-soo

Q3. What is the most rewarding part of working as a professor?

A. I think not only myself, but all professors will feel rewarded in two main ways. One is when I hear good news about my graduates. I am most pleased when graduates from our department go out into society, get a job, and later hear other people praising them.

The second is when my research and written works are published as books. I have translated many Vietnamese novels and poems. As a representative writer, I also wrote several high school Vietnamese textbooks. I have published many books already, but I still feel rewarded when my writings are officially printed.


Professor Bae Yang-soo participated in the Vietnam Literature Translator Contest. He translated many Vietnamese poems and novels into Korean. 

Provided by Bae Professor Yang-soo


Q4. What are you doing specifically in the Critical Foreign Language Center?

A. The critical foreign language project is being carried out as part of the Critical Foreign Languages Education Promotion Act. In 2018, BUFS was designated as a professional education center in eight critical foreign languages. As the head of this center, I discuss the conclusion of MOUs with various institutions or teach Vietnamese to students in various educational programs. I also participate in writing a critical foreign language textbook that is published by BUFS.


Q5. You recently participated in a project for the Dept. of Myanmar Language that provides a video with translation that supports democracy in Myanmar. How did you feel about participating in this project as the director?

A. I heard the news that Myanmar’s military is currently suppressing the people very strongly. I think the way we can help people without weapons is to maintain a constant interest. What worries me most now is that the increasingly prolonged situation could cause people to forget about Myanmar and eventually isolate it from international opinion. So, I thought we should keep reminding people of the seriousness of the situation through some events. In the meantime, I thought that what we can do at BUFS, which has the only Dept. of Myanmar Language in Korea, is to translate and share videos related to Myanmar.

Since these efforts were delivered through the news, many people have sent messages of support, and we have been commissioned to translate songs and videos for Myanmar. As the head of the Critical Foreign Language Center, I think it is right to proceed with this work to support the people of Myanmar.



Professor Bae Yang-soo received a friendship Medal from the Vietnamese ambassador to Korea.

 Provided by Professor Bae Yang-soo

Q6. What is your goal as a professor in the future?

A. My goal is to make BUFS a stronghold in critical foreign language education in the southern region. Along with professors from other universities, I will request the government to support critical foreign languages as a semi-public system. In addition, as a personal goal, I would like to focus on providing various curriculums and exchange student program opportunities for the overseas employment of students.



Professor Bae Yang-soo is the head of the Critical Foreign Language Center, who teaches Vietnamese in various programs. 

Provided by Professor Bae Yang-soo

Q7. Please give some final thoughts to the students of BUFS living in the global era

A. I think students majoring in foreign languages have a more open view than those who do not. Nevertheless, some students, especially those with lower grades, still lack that mindset. So I hope that students of BUFS will be able to acknowledge the difference in culture and have an open mind to go together as students who study foreign languages. I think that is the most important thing for students living in the global era. And as a professor, I will always support students’ efforts to go to the world they dream of. Thank you.

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