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Professor Denis Parnell
Professor Denis Parnell 
Division of English : Free English Conversation Class

Cub-reporter   Kim Kyu-young

As various foreign language skills become important, English conversation is a necessary element these days. Korean students are very strong in English tests. However, they still have a lot of worries about English conversation. Based on this trend, many English conversation lecture advertisements have increased, for example in animations or news articles. Based on this reality, professor Parnell from the Division of English made a free conversation class for students.
Denis Parnell professor is known as positive and passionative person for many students. He teaches various classes in Division of English as well as free English conversation class. Therefore, The Woeseong Times hears a Denis Parnell professor story. Let's listen to the Denis Parnell professor who does his best for class and students. 

Q1. Could you please introduce yourself?
A Hi, I am professor Parnell from Busan University of Foreign Studies and I am from Canada. I am 53 years old. I am married and have a daughter. I have been here since 2007 and teach English in the Division of English. I like to teach real word things that are connected to my student lives and I am so glad to meet you.

Q2. What do you think is the most important element in class?
A There are many elements. I try to make fun of the students, connect with them and understand each other. I know students have many of their own problems and I have to remember that they have problems that they going through in their own lives. Therefore, I think that it is important to try to understand each other. For example, when I first started teaching, if students come late, I would be a nag to them. However, now, I prefer to ask them, "Why are you late?". They might have reasons. So, I try to understand my students. I also focus on fluency for my classes because they do not get many chances to try to improve fluency.

Q3. You run a free conversation class. What was the purpose and what was the students' reaction?
A The purpose is to improve fluency with topics they enjoy. Generally, students like it, and some students wonder "Is this a real class?" because I like to give students projects sometimes like going outside. Students do not understand how this is connected to English. However, the project is designed so that students follow directions in English and then make presentations in English. It is connected to English. This time of year the weather is beautiful and we have had two years of COVID-19. Therefore, I try to release stress a little with my students.

Q4. You are known as a positive and passionate person to many students and I heard that you even wore a Halloween costume in class. How did that go?
A Usually, I have to be careful with my passion because I often expect students to have the same passion that I do. But, sometimes they do not. I understand because they are tired. Students have many tests, and maybe some personal problems in their lives that I do not know about. So, I have to be careful about my passion. But I am always positive.

Q5. What is your most memorable kind of student in class?
A For me, the most memorable students are those who have an open mind. I think that is the case because my class is not normal. It is not a textbook class. So, I think many students are surprised when they come to my class. My classes usually have lots of communication, lots of different activities, lots of processing, lots of describing, and lots of fluency. So, my most memorable type of students are those who have an open mind. 

Q6. What is the hardest or most difficult part during teaching?
A I had a difficult class last semester. I think it was because of my expectations. It was not because of the students. And after having those classes, I have to think to myself about how can I be a better teacher. Every class has a different characters. Some classes are exciting, some classes are not. So, I have to be able to see that and I have to change my approach. I think that the most difficult thing is to realize every class' different characters.

Q7. Are there any tips for Korean students who are concerned of English conversation skills?
A First, when you go to a class, remember it is not a test. Nobody is judging you. Students are always worried about what other people think. You do not need to try to get better. I guess the first tip is to remember that English classes are safe, so do not think about what other people think. Only compare to yourself. Another tip is if you want to improve your English, we have a library. We have leveled readers and that helps with fluency, vocabulary, and grammar. Therefore, students should go and find the books that they understand and go and find the books that are interesting and read six of those. Then, you can level up. It can help your English and your confidence. Do not worry about your grade. I know a good grade is important. However, the grade is not a student grade. Students are not graded humans. That is very important. Even if you get a bad score, it does not mean you are a bad human. 
Q8. Is there any class you want to make besides conversation classes? If so, why? 
A Of course. There are a few classes I want to make. One class I want to make is a class about how to help students be better in their future, including things like careers. It would also include things like finding answers about future money management. It may involve spiritual ideas about how to be at peace with your physical being, by looking at your mental, family, and social relations. Another class is media. I want to teach students how to judge what they watch or read. Everyone has bias. Therefore, there is bias in the articles we read, so I want to make a media course to help students decide about those things. I want to do a study course on what citizens do to make a better society. I know it sounds boring but I think it is important because it is the future so we should consider things to do to improve society.

Q9. Can you recommend any movies or books that can improve English conversation skills?
A If you are going to watch movies to improve your English skills, I recommend watching animations because animations usually have less context, and they are more direct than other movies. So students should begin with animations and I even recommend watching movies with Korean subtitles first then watching English subtitles or both subtitles. It is more effective.

Q10. Do you have any proverbs or beliefs that you like?
A One thing is whatever you think, then that is true for you. If you think you can, you can. But if you think you cannot, you cannot. So, be careful what you think because your thinking can limit you. Therefore, I guess that would be the main thing.

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