팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.
찾으시는 내용이 있으신가요?
사이트 내 전체검색
영어 개인 강사 모집 - 천호식품

We are looking for an English Teacher( Private tutor)……..

We are looking for CEO’s Private English Teacher.
We need someone who can speak Korean and fluent in English,
(Who can translate Korean to English..)
Our company is Chunho Food Co. and you will be teaching our Company’s CEO.
For more details, please visit our homepage
( 천호식품 http://new.chunho.net 고객센터 080-789-1005.)
We got your resume in a web-site.
For more information, please contact me :
Ms. Park HyunJoo(Julie) - 055-371-1004 / 055-371-1007 / 010-2828-9890
Wanted CEO`s Private English Teacher!
1. Contract - Negotiable
2. Salary - Negotiable
3. Work Experience : New or Experienced
4. Educational background – does’nt matter
5. Male or Female
6. No age restrictions
7. Native speaker will be given preference
8. Location : Busan / Seoul
9. Work day : From Monday to Friday
10. Work Time : 9:00 AM~6:00 PM
11. To apply :Please send your CV / Resume here at phj@chunho.net

For more Info please contact:
Park Hyunjoo, Secretary of the President &CEO
Mobile #. 010-2828-9890 /
Office # 055-371-1004 / 055-371-1007
Best Regards

천호식품 비서실
박 현주 드림


최고관리자2012. 9. 25조회수1,708

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