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아그라 힌디 산스탄 정부 장학생 모집
아그라 힌디 산스탄 인도 정부 장학생 모집에 대한 공지 사항입니다. 자세한 내용은 아래의 공지를 참조하시기 바랍니다. 건강검진서(영문) 1부와 첨부파일 아그라 힌디 산스탄 지원서를 영문 또는 힌디로 작성하여 학과 사무실로 제출하시길 바랍니다. 서류 제출은 3월 11일(금요일)까지 반드시 제출해 주시기 바랍니다. 1. 자격요건 가. 만 21세 ~ 만 35세 (만 21세 이상 : 인도 정부 요구사항) 나. 우리 학과에 3학기 이상 재학하고 있는 학생 2. 제출서류 가. 지원서 (첨부파일 참고) 나. 건강검진서(영문) 3. 선발방법 1) 대사관선발 가. 우리 대학과 한국외대에서 추천된 학생들을 대상으로 서류심사 및 인터뷰를 실시하여 최종합격자를 결정함. 합격자 발표는 예년의 경우에 비추어 6월 말경으로 예상. 4. 지원내역 가. 왕복항공원 나. 기숙사 다. 수업료면제 라. 일정의 용돈 5. 기타 상세한 내용은 첨부자료참고 또는 학과 사무실(051-509-5891)로 문의 바랍니다. ========================================================================================================== Scholarships for the study of Hindi Language​ 2016-17 Indian Cultural Centre Embassy of India, Seoul The Kendriya Hindi Sansthan (Central Institute of Hindi), Agra under the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India proposes the award of scholarship to candidate(s) from Republic of Korea for the study of Hindi under the scheme of “Propagation of Hindi Abroad at Kendriya Hindi Sansthan” for the academic year 2016-17. 2. Duly completed application forms, along with required documents, should be submitted at the Indian cultural Centre-Embassy of India, Seoul: 6-1, Hannam-dong, Yongsan-gu, Seoul by 15 March 2016. 3. Following are the broad outlines of the requirement/information of scholarship: i) Application, along with all necessary supportive documents, should be submitted in 3 original sets. ii) The candidate should be of age minimum 21 and maximum 35 years. Iii) The candidate should have studied Hindi for at least one or two years. iv)For selected candidates stay in the Hostel of institute and joining its Mess is compulsory. Rs. 300 towards maintenance charge of Hostel and approximately Rs. 2500 to 3000 for joining Mess for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner will be charged monthly. Please note that only vegetarian Indian food is served. v) The selected candidate will be given Rs. 4500/-per month. Rs. 1000 per annum will also be given as book grant. vi) A student will be granted leave on the basis of medical certificate only. otherwise Rs. 50/- per day will be deducted from the scholarship of the student if he/she is found absent from the class other than holidays. vii) The selected candidate will be given an economy class airfare (both ways) by the shortest route. viii) It will not be permissible to allow any candidate to go back without completing the full academic term. Therefore, only those should apply who are willing to stay in India at Agra for the full academic year. 4. Application forms and more details for the Hindi scholarship may be downloaded and checked from here. http://www.khsindia.org/ For further information, please contact- Tel: (02) 794257 Ext.100 Fax: 02)795-4258 E-mail: iccseoul@gmail.com
최고관리자2016. 3. 3조회수1,252

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