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사이트 내 전체검색
Notice on 2023-2 partial grade waiver system

1. Application period

2023.10.23. 10:00 (Mon) ~ 11.17 17:00 (Fri)


2. Eligibility for application

Enrolled students who have completed more than 4 semesters (students on leave of absence, deferred students, completed students, and graduates cannot apply)

*Please apply carefully as your application will be deleted if there is a change in school records, such as a leave of absence/dropout, during the application semester.


3. Subjects that can be given up

Among the courses offered at our school, some courses were abolished due to curriculum revision, and among the courses completed at other universities, regardless of domestic or foreign countries, C+ or lower, NP, and F are included.

You can check the subjects you can apply for in the student portal system.

*Substitute, same subject, teaching subject, OCU subject.


4. Credits available for application

Up to 6 credits per session

You can apply for up to 24 credits during your time in school.


5. How to apply

학생포털시스템(https://m.bufs.ac.kr/default.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2f) -> 성적 -> 성적포기 신청 -> 성적신청 대상 교과목 현황 -> 신청 버튼 -> 성적포기신청 현황에서 신청내역 확인 가능.

You can check the application details in Student Portal System -> Grades -> Application for grade waiver -> Status of subjects for which grade is requested -> Application button -> Status of application for grade waiver.


If the course subject to grade waiver application is not recognized as a course in the current status, you cannot apply.

Cancellation of application: Click [Delete] in the grade waiver application status (available only during the grade waiver application period)

성적포기신청현황에서 [삭제]



6. Date of confirmation of grade waiver approval

2023.11.30.(Thursday) *Planned

The contents of the transcript will be applied after the grade waiver is approved.


*Note (Be sure to check)

1. Abandoned grades cannot be restored for any reason.

2. If you give up your grades, you may not be able to graduate due to insufficient credits or failure to meet graduation requirements.

*Students must personally check whether they meet the graduation requirements and are responsible for reasons for not being able to graduate due to failing grades.

3. Applicants for certified absence due to early graduation or early employment cannot apply if the total number of credits expected to be completed, including the 2023-2 semester, falls below the graduation standard.

4. After applying for grade waiver, changes in academic records such as leave of absence or withdrawal are not possible.

5. Course registration credits, academic probation, retention, and rank for the semester that includes the grade waiver course will not change, but the earned credits and GPA will change.

6. Withdrawn grades are marked as ‘W’ on the certificate.


국제학부관리자2023. 10. 18조회수221

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