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Pronunciation/English/etc.<br><br>Comparative phonetics <br><br>The (comparative) study (in the structure/mode/way of pronunciation, articulation, phonetics, or whatever; that is, in the difference of speaking mouth postures and resultant speaking weight/force center points) between English/foreign languages and the mother tongue, for better (more practical/effective/smooth) hearing/speaking of English/foreign languages. <br>Please visit/participate the following site. <br><br>http://www.voicespec.com/board.cgi?id=test1<br>http://www.voicespec.com/<br><br>http://www.kyobobook.co.kr/product/detailViewKor.laf?ejkGb=KOR&mallGb=KOR&barcode=9788995621400&clickOrder=LAA<br><br>I wrote/published the book of “Master Key to English HEARING + pronunciation” to help many Koreans (and Japanese?),        who show/have some severer difficulty in hearing English (than other peoples),       to learn English hearing & pronunciation effectively,       and to introduce to (and help) English (German, French, etc.; that is, European language) teachers in the whole world, so as to teach Korean learners efficiently.    <br><br>And I joined “academici.com/net” April/2004 and opened the forum of “comparative phonetics” to write (the above) MANY articles, as you see.     Though “academici.com/org” was closed and new ““academici.net” has been launched,       I now start my own homepage of “voicespec.com” to continue the forum of “comparative phonetics” with YOU,       and ask YOUR opinion/writings.       <br><br>Young-Won Kim<br><br>ygwnkm@yahoo.co.kr , ygwnkm@hotmail.com ,<br><br><br>Re: the article of “Won’t, don’t, can’t, haven’t, we’re, couldn’t, we’ll, I’ve, etc.”  <br><br>17. SO INTERESTINGLY, <br>when once taking the (KOREAN) posture of cp on the vocal cords,     bp on the lowest throat/neck;   irregardless of additionally/further taking the DOUBLE/triple posture composed of    FIRST (KOREAN) posture of cp on the vocal cords,    bp on the lowest throat/neck;      and then the (ENGLISH) posture of cp on the vocal CORDS, slanted backwards/below and bp on the lowest neck/throat       or the DOUBLE posture composed of the FIRST (original) posture of (ENGLISH) cp on the vocal CORDS, slanted backwards/below and bp on the lowest neck/throat and (then) one of the English any usual??/ACTUAL (articulating) postures of (British) cp in the nasal cavity and bp high/front in the mouth, (LA/USA) cp/high and bp/front in the mouth, or (NY/USA) cp/low and bp/front in the mouth, etc. for examples or not;     <br>if some English words of “house, roof, room, sky, earth, sea, spring, summer, fall (NOT autumn), winter, people (NOT person/man), maiden, maid, girl, sled, pretty, go, went, gone, come, came, (have/had) come, do, did, done, - - - etc.” (as well as numbers) are tried to speak,       then the Korean equivalent words of “house/집[jib], roof/지붕[jibung], room/방[bang], sky/하늘[han(=)l], earth/땅[dang], sea/바다[bada], spring/봄[bom], summer/여름[(ŋ)iΛr(=)m], fall/가을[ga(ŋ=)l], winter/겨울[giΛ(ŋ)ul], people/사람[q(sh)aram], maiden/색씨[q(sh)ægsi], maid/아가씨[(ŋ)agaq(sh)i], girl/처녀[(t)c(h)ΛniΛ], sled/썰매[q(sh)Λlmæ], pretty/예쁜[(ŋ)ieb(=)n], go/가다[gada], went/갔다[gadda], gone/갔었다[gassΛdda], come/오다[(ŋ)oda], came/왔다[(ŋ)uadda]/[wadda], (have/had) come/왔었다[(ŋ)uassΛdda]/[wassΛdda], do/하다[hada], did/했다[hædda], done/했었다[hæssΛdda], - - - etc.” are automatically spoken/pronounced rather in MONO syllables than in MULTI syllables.      <br>- - - and so on.  <br>
최고관리자2010. 6. 30조회수1,709

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